Tuesday, February 24, 2009

mostly euphorbia...

and other nodding plants after rain...Oh yes, I've very fond of the euphorbia, and I've acquired a few varieties over time. They're getting ready to come into their spring 'bloom'.

And the final two photos: a re-seeded cerinthe; and the one hellebore we have--- too bad their flowers hang down so close to the ground.

I've really fallen off on the blogging of late-- I know! My goal will be to post (here) about once a week. We'll see how that goes!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

happy day hiking

Here are some slightly delayed pics from my annual birthday hike--
(or at least whenever weather in February allows). It was a perfectly lovely day, and as we do, we counted the early wildflowers in bloom-- 20!
We hiked inland from the coast at Shell Beach (just south of Jenner) towards Pomo Canyon;
Afterwards, a much appreciated meal & a pint at the Hopmonk Tavern in Sebastopol with my sweetie.

As you may know, we've had an unseasonably dry (warm, beautiful) winter; so we're happy to be seeing rain again today. (if you click on the photos, they will enlarge.)

(and Thank you for your Birthday wishes!)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

time passing...

I love sequences like this (found by Tony via FF)
One year in 40 seconds from Eirik Solheim on Vimeo.
See also on his page "One year in Two Minutes" (if you have the time!)
I was reminded that I once saw such a film shot somewhere in Sonoma County-- again, loved it, and the idea of doing something similar-- but at the time I lived in a *windowless* warehouse space in Emeryville-- the only living things inside were me & my cat. I realized I was living the wrong life-- and perhaps that was the beginning of the path that led me here. Never have been able to find that film again...

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